McCandless Ford Meadville, Inc.

Nov 30, 2023

Driving a Ford is like being part of a special club where durability and performance are the daily norms. But even the sturdiest of vehicles need some love and care, and one of the simplest, most effective ways to show your Ford some TLC is through regular oil changes. Not sure how often you should be heading to the Ford dealer for that oil service? Let’s take a peek.

Nailing Down the Schedule

Your Ford’s owner’s manual probably spends a lot of time loitering in your glove box, but it’s worth pulling it out to read. It’s packed with useful info, including how often you should change the oil. Generally, for newer Ford models, you’re looking at fresh oil every 5,000 to 7,500 miles if you’re using synthetic oil.

How you drive plays a big part in how often you need to change it, however. If your Ford’s life is more demanding, like frequent towing, hauling, or driving in heavy traffic, it might need that oil more frequently.

Signs It’s Time for an Oil Change at the Ford Dealer

The Oil Light Comes On

When this light illuminates your dashboard, your Ford is suggesting politely that it’s time for some fresh oil.

The Dipstick Comes Out Dirty

Pull out the dipstick and take a look. If your oil is dark, gritty, and just plain dirty-looking, it’s a clear sign that it’s time for a change. Checking your oil frequently is one of the best ways you can estimate whether you need to get some fresh oil.

Unusual Engine Noises

If your engine starts to sound like it’s putting in a lot of extra work, knocking and rumbling ominously, it could be crying out for new oil. The oil in your car lubricates the parts of your engine so that they don’t rub together. Knocking sounds, especially, are a bad sign that your car’s moving parts are becoming damaged.

Smelling Oil Inside the Car

If you’re getting a whiff of oil inside your car, there’s a reasonable chance you have an oil leak. If not, it might signal that your engine is too low on oil and starting to overheat. Either way, these are serious issues that warrant a trip to the dealership.

Changing the Oil: A Critical Service

Without regular changes, oil becomes less effective, leading to increased friction and wear. Over time, this can cause significant engine damage that is expensive to repair.

Regularly changing your oil is like a golden ticket to keeping your Ford running smoothly for the long haul. They’re a small investment in your vehicle’s health that pays off in performance, reliability, and an increased lifespan. Call McCandless Ford today to schedule your next service appointment.