McCandless Ford Meadville, Inc.

Jan 19, 2024

It’s interesting to note that certain sounds, smells, and changes in how your car feels while driving may indicate the need for brake repair. Paying attention to the following symptoms can help determine when to visit your Ford dealer for brake service, ensuring your safety.

Your Brake Warning Lights Are On

Your brake and Anti-lock Brake System (ABS) warning lights on your dashboard will alert you when there is a problem with your Ford’s braking system. If the ABS warning light turns on, the regular brakes are still functional, but the ABS is not. 

You Hear Screeching Sounds and Grinding Noises

One of the most common indications that your car requires a brake inspection is the presence of screeching sounds when you apply the brakes. It’s an alert from the wear indicator bars in your brake pads warning you that they are wearing thin.

The pads are now worn down to the metal and grinding against the rotors. Act quickly and ask your Ford technician to replace your car’s brake pads before they cause more damage that may result in costly repairs.

You Feel Vibrations Through the Brake Pedal

If you feel any vibrations through your brake pedal or the steering wheel, have your brakes inspected by a technician without delay. The vibrations are caused by warped rotors making uneven contact with the brake pads. If the vibrations are severe, bring your car to us for repairs as soon as possible.

Your Car Takes Longer To Stop

If you must push harder on the brake pedal to stop your car, it’s either worn-out brake pads or low brake fluid. Ignoring this issue could lead to complete brake failure. Get your brakes repaired as soon as possible to avoid potential safety risks.

You Notice Yellow or Brown Pools Under Your Car

It could be a brake fluid leak if you notice yellow or brown pools on the ground under your car. Inadequate brake fluid levels will severely reduce your braking ability. Low brake fluid levels will also trigger the brake warning light on your dashboard.

You Smell Burning

If you smell burning, it could be that your brakes are overheating. When brakes overheat, they may not work efficiently. It’s always best to pull over as soon as it’s safe and wait for your brakes to cool down. Meanwhile, call us and schedule a service appointment. 

To ensure your brakes are always in excellent working condition, follow the maintenance intervals in your owner’s manual. Contact McCandless Ford Meadville, Inc. in Meadville, PA, today for a brake service. Our certified Ford technicians will thoroughly inspect your brakes and perform the necessary repairs to ensure you have all the necessary braking power.